Is Your Auto, Truck or Van Winter-Ready? Just Put a “Coat” On It!

The cold temperatures are upon us. Many parts of the European continent and the world are enduring rain, snow and other stormy conditions—and thermometers in multiple regions are regularly hitting uber cold levels. Many areas are even experiencing daytime sub O °C climates, as the first week of the New Year kicks in.

Every time a strong seasonal storm descends upon us, it’s a wakeup call to anyone who lives in inclement weather to review their home and vehicle winterizing checklist. Is the house in adequate shape with leaks fixed, windows insulated, and heating systems in top condition? Are swimming pools prepped and ready to lay dormant through the next few cold months before Spring sets in? Are barns secured, and outdoor livestock and other resources protected? And equally important—are the wheels you depend on daily for work or pleasure able to withstand the unexpected, perhaps even brutal, temperature cold swings?

Afterall, a vehicle that isn’t properly cared for when the frigid temperatures set in can create serious headaches and extra expense for owners. They can also suffer from unnecessary wear-and-tear that can quickly undermine ROI and vehicle value. Weather-related issues can range from exterior surface damage (when vehicles are left unprotected) to mechanical failure. Owners who don’t winterize may, surprisedly, begin their day only to find an auto that doesn’t start.

It’s critical to do vehicle prep during the winter months. Common winter weather “blues” for auto, truck and van owners who don’t winterize can include any of the following:

  • Vehicle stalls out
  • Drivers gets stranded in compromised, or even dangerous, weather
  • Weakened battery goes bad
  • Gas line freezes from too low of a tank supply
  • Damaged windshield wipers result in poor visibility/driving hazards
  • Icy, cold temperature wreak havoc on the vehicle paint job
  • Rocks and ice on the road damage exterior surfaces
  • Cargo slides around in wet/icy truck beds causing potential injury

These are just a few of the hazards that winter weather drivers need to heed. In terms of the physical toll that harsh temperatures can doll out, a vehicle’s surface can quickly denigrate depending on the severity of the weather and type of paint job the auto or truck has. This is where Bullet Liner technology can help! Bullet Liner protective coating places a heavy-duty, elastomer sealant onto vehicle exteriors—covering everything from the overall surface finish to specific areas such as fenders, wheel wells, bumpers, running boards, light bars, and hard tonneau covers. Our high-tensile strength bedliner literally coats and protects against damage from temperature extremes (the freezing cold, but also blistering hot sun in the summer months)—and it won’t crack, fade, bubble or peel regardless of how severe the climate is. Also, Bullet Liner helps to guard against dents, dings and abrasion from flying ice, rocks, caked snow and other road debris typically found on thoroughfares and roads during the coldest parts of the year.

There is simply no reason to sacrifice your prized vehicle’s exterior finish, or durability, due to the winter weather. Additionally, for drivers who rely on their vehicle for occupational purposes, Bullet Liner offers a “no-slip” better grip coating that will keep items in a pick-up truck bed from sliding in ice or rain—making it easier for workers to load and unload cargo more safely.

Other quick vehicle care items to keep on the radar in the wintertime:

  • Check your coolant
  • Use a thinner engine oil that will fare better in extra cold temperatures
  • Get your snow tyres in gear
  • Check tyre tread depth/ensure pressure is at the correct PSI
  • Monitor your battery level
  • Don’t forget a lock de-icer

Even if caring for your ride slipped off your pre-holiday “to do list,” it’s not too late to get your wheels primed for the heavy winter months of January and February. Bullet Liner spray-on polyurea coating can be quickly applied by a professional applicator in your area. For more information, please locate a facility in your area here.