“Trailer”-blazing this Spring

The frost has melted and spring is in the air.  If you’re getting ready to haul, pull, or tow your sporting equipment, outdoor rec gear or equine load, it’s time to dust off your trailer and prepare to hit the road.  Tough weather sends many trailers into hibernation for the winter and, due to their size, they’re naturally difficult to stow away in a garage or covered area.  Unless you have a ready-made port on your property, it’s likely that your trailer has spent the past weeks lying dormant and braving the elements.

Bullet Liner’s High Caliber Protection is here to help.  Not just for truck beds anymore, Bullet Liner’s premier elastomer sealant can safeguard your trailer (or any other tow or utility accessory) from weather extremes.  With the summer months now right around the corner, temperature highs can result in your investment literally baking for hours in the hot sun, which will fade an otherwise great looking paint job.  Bullet Liner’s advanced unique color-matching technology can easily match any truck or trailer’s specific color palette.  Our spray-on protective coating helps bright colors stay more vibrant and rich, extending the life of your trailer and enhancing resale value.

Whether you’re hauling horses, equipment or just junk, Bullet Liner can help you do it with the peace of mind of knowing that you’re also adding useful safety benefits.  Since Bullet Liner can be applied to almost any finish, it provides a high-grip result that can aid in more secure footing— and keep your cargo from sliding around during transit.  Turns, steep hills or quick stops all can send cargo flying without the proper protection.  The most precarious task for any trailer user is the moment they open their trailer door only to find their gear falling out or in complete disarray.  Our polyurea coating works even when metal flooring is wet and slippery. 

Bullet Liner’s high-tensile strength spray-on truck bedliner can also help mitigate scrapes, scratches and minor dents and dings.  In addition to being used on the exterior body, Bullet Liner coating also protects fenders, wheel wells, and flooring from scuffs – creating a “shield” for your entire trailer from head to toe.

For anyone who’s either hitting the PRCA circuit or is into equestrian competition, they understand that hours of road travel can take a serious toll on any trailer.  Plus, who wants to put out a hefty investment into quality horses and top notch riding gear only to pull up to an event with a beaten-up trailer?  In keeping with the spirit of competition, Bullet Liner spray-on bed liner ensures that your truck and its tow will stay in great shape year-round. The same applies for auto racing and the NASCAR circuit—serious competitors and enthusiasts want their equipment to look impeccable.  Bullet Liner is made for the trailer industry because we “get” the needs and interests of our customers – and what their lifestyle, and passions, require of their vehicles.

Additionally, if you use your trailer or tow to haul small boating, personal water craft, or other marine recreation equipment, you’ll be spending the bulk of your time in a seaside environment.  Bullet Liner’s spray-on bedliner delivers a watertight seal that also protects against unsightly rust and corrosion.  Any boat owner will also appreciate how easy it is to simply hose down the trailer’s interior and exterior to keep it clean – without the hassle and mess.

Whatever open road is calling your name and whatever you happen to hauling, Bullet Liner has you covered during the warm weather months and beyond.  From our team to yours: Happy trailer-blazing.

Team Bullet Liner